Sunday, August 17, 2008


I don't know what happened to the actual pictures we took when we went to the BVI with Eric 7 years ago. These are from google. I can't believe it's been 7 years.

That trip was like a small glimpse of heaven--the Dawn Treader meets paradise: all themes Eric loved, from cannon-balling into shark infested waters, to tossing dishes into shallow water and proclaiming them "done."

My favorite memory is still as clear as the Caribbean. It was night, a full moon. Eric and David usually slept outside on the trampoline. We were all sitting there in the bright moonlight, talking quietly, laughing, playing silly games, drinking in the loveliness and pure happiness of the moment. There was no sorrow, no pain. I love imagining Eric in a similar place, a better place. When I think of Heaven and my cousin, this is the picture that always comes: a crystal blue sea, a ring of endless light, laughter, joy, love.

1 comment:

SherriMartin said...

I thank God that He gave you all so many wonderful memories. These stories will be told to the next generation and the next.

God is good.

Love, Miss Sherri