Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Happy birthday bro

It just so happens that Eric and I, from the time we were teenagers, celebrated our birthdays together since we were born 4 days apart in 1973. We rarely missed a year even during the busy times and after college and after marriage for me. Rarely was the day of the celebration on either one of our actual birthdays, so I'm not amiss to write this today 2 days before the 13th. The picture above was taken on our 22nd birthday as best I can tell. If I'm wrong, it's certainly when we were in our early 20's.

It is amazing to me what can trigger a memory of Eric. When you are so close to someone and have spent so much time together that no one particular event is in and of itself more memorable than another this will happen. Sometimes I'm hesitant to write something on the blog because I think it is too "trivial." Let me give an example: I drove by a billboard that was an advertisement for some brand of bratwurst sausages and it had "das gut" written on it. For me this triggered a mental image of Eric with a great big grin and him saying something in a husky voice with his best impression of a thick German accent, mimicking some soldier from an old WWII movie like "Where Eagles Dare" - which was one of his favorites. Then the memory gates open more and I'm remembering how we used to pull "all nighters" watching war movies, westerns, etc in his basement. My adult mind thinks, "what a waste of time and sleep," but we loved it back then.

Watching the summer olympics made me think of Eric and his many athletic abilities more than once. He was good or great at so many things: swimming, archery, sailing, shooting, running, gymnastics (not many can do free standing hand stand push ups in the double digits at age 34, which I bet he was still doing). There are probably more, but I don't think table tennis was one of them.

One usually receives gifts on a birthday. One thing I will always think of when I remember him is how giving he always was - what a gift he was as a friend. For any out there still missing him, my heart aches along with you.


SherriMartin said...

Dear Dustin,
No happy memory is ever wasted, for that is God's way of giving you a special blessing. Though Eric is praising God in heaven, surely he is looking forward to a holy birthday with you someday.

I am assured that your friendship was always a wonderful gift for him. Treasure your memories as a gift from God this year.

Happy Birthday, friend.

In Christ,

Summer said...

Thanks for writing, Dusty.

boqpod said...

Hey Dustin,

I think that's a very special gift.

Eric's so present, his impression upon you so indelible that the slightest suggestion will flood your mind with memories.

Who wouldn't want a brother like that?