Thursday, July 10, 2008

Flags at the Capital-from Dustin Hamilton

The day of the funeral I was driving home and realized my opportunity and took it. It was providential, a particular grace from the Lord that He placed on my heart to do this. I stopped at Frankfort and shot some pictures of the flags there at the capital building half mast in Eric's honor. I read Summer and Kendall's blogs today and found the other blog that had been dedicated to Eric. It reminded me to send the pictures to you all. Perhaps you can post them on Eric's blog.

Yesterday was the first day I've been to church since the Funeral, due to work. Our church usually has a very patriotic service on the Sunday nearest the 4th of July where members of the service are honored. I didn't think about that until I got there. I was doing fairly well until we were singing and got to the third verse in "Oh Beautiful for Spacious Skies." When we got to the third verse, for me it was all about Eric:

O beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife who more than self their country loved and mercy more than life
is how it starts. I'd been singing along until that point, but then I got the knot in my throat and the tears welled in my eyes. He was very special, and I have missed him each day he has been gone so far and I know you all have as well. My prayers are still for you as you grieve.

I hope these pictures can help to preserve and honor his memory just a bit more.

In Christ,


1 comment:

SherriMartin said...

Eric fought to preserve everything the flag stands for. It is fitting that the flag was lowered in his honor. And, we were all honored to be at his memorial service and burial.

God bless America.

Miss Sherri